The 69th Sydney Film Festival announces three family-friendly feature films and 8 shorts that will screen as part of the Family Program. Youngsters will be able to enjoy fun flicks from around the globe with 2022’s fantastic Family Program. Feature-length offerings include the highly entertaining superhero tale Super Furball Saves the Future, about a young girl who must save the world from a future without bees,” said Family Films Programmer Katharine Rogers.“A Sundance crowd-pleaser for all ages, Vietnamese sci-fi charmer Maika is about a lonely eight-year-old who befriends an alien visitor and joins the creature to outwit the unscrupulous baddies trying to capture her. Screening alongside Maika is the short film Laika and Nemo, a touching story about feeling like an outsider.”
Ride the Wave is an exhilarating documentary following Scottish surf champion Ben Larg who at just 12-years-old, has a dream to ride the biggest, most dangerous cold-water waves in the world,” she said. This year will also feature a special short film program for younger children, with films that delve into themes of nature and identity. Australian short films include Apart, about two artists finding a connection through their work, and By Lucas Wilson, following a young boy who makes a mistake. These films are presented alongside international shorts from Borneo (Footprints in the Forest), Latvia (Hush, Hush Little Bear), Lithuania (The Perfect Fit) and the United States (I’m Gonna Get You, The Social Chameleon).
To see the full family programme, Click Here.