

Sydney Film Festival (SFF) and Deutsche Bank today announced that submissions are open for the 2022 Deutsche Bank Fellowship for First Nations Film Creatives.

The Deutsche Bank Fellowship invites First Nations film creatives to submit applications before 29 April 2022. The winning Fellow will be awarded the grant to further develop their skills through international placement, or other professional development. 

In addition to the Fellowship, Deutsche Bank provides additional support to SFF through a corporate partnership alignment with the Festival’s First Nations Film program. Deutsche Bank as lead corporate partner helps to further the Festival’s commitment to the Australian First Nations film sector. 

Recipient of the inaugural 2021 Deutsche Bank Fellowship, Darlene Johnson said “as Indigenous storytellers, we have so much to share with the rest of the world and we need to forge ahead into the future and become real players in the mainstream industry so that we can tell our uniquely universal stories to a global audience.” 

 “This Fellowship has allowed me to continue to develop my skills and move into long-form storytelling through hands-on experience with Aquarius Films. The placement will also provide me with the skills to continue to develop my own original TV concept.”

Darren Dale, Sydney Film Festival Board Member, director of Blackfella Films, and award-winning producer, said, “Sydney Film Festival is delighted to once again partner with Deutsche Bank to showcase the vibrant talents of First Nations film industry creatives and to support another recipient’s film career development.” 

Glenn Morgan, Deutsche Bank Australia’s CEO, said “When we set out to create this Fellowship last year with Sydney Film Festival, we knew that it would attract some outstanding talent. Needless to say, it surpassed all expectations and we are delighted to see how the Fellowship has been received.”

“We can’t wait to watch Darlene Johnson’s career progress, as she uses her grant to develop her skills and further her career. We are committed to continuing our support for Indigenous creatives in the screen sector and we look forward to this year’s submissions.”

“We encourage all Australia-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander film creatives, who have begun their career in film or television to join in and get involved in this wonderful opportunity”, Dale said. 

Eligible applicants are welcomed from creatives, screenwriters, producers, directors and actors with a proven track record in their chosen field. 

The successful candidate will be selected by a panel of key industry personnel, and the Fellowship will be awarded at the 69th Sydney Film Festival which will take place 8 – 19 June 2022. 

The selection criteria can be found at